Без света

Without light.

 feel so happy to write you another post from Odessa, Ukraine! I hope you are all doing well in where ever you are over the world.

Me and my companion we love cooking the good food we found here in Odessa!

Wow it is just crazy to be on a mission! It is hard everyday, but we learn so much! In ceveral moments I realize, how God guides us and leads us to the persons that are interested in the Gospel. More than ever before in my life I feel, that there is a God that reall cares for every child on earth, even when it feels hard sometimes. If something wouldn’t be hard, our muscles wouldn’t be strengthened and we wouldn’t try as hard as we can to beat all challenges that we have in life.

I’m so happy, that I already realised before my mission, how much we are blessed, when we live what the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ teach us. Now on the mission it became much more important for me. It gives me all the power, all that love to help the people here, find their way back to God. When we live the commandments of God, we receive his blessings and feel his love. And I can tell you, to feel that is amazing!

Have a nice week! May God bless you in all your righteous thoughts and doings :)
With love,
Elder Drewlow

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