Monat: Dezember 2013

  • We have the Lord on our side

    Hello dear Friends! This week was amazing! So many things changed here! Also I changed a lot! Things are getting more intense here and we figure more and more out, how we can share the gospel more least 4 things that changed:– I’m working on reactivating my french– we run more than 8000 stair…

  • Life is amazing here

    Hello my dear friends! This week was just amazing! I really start to love this place. The people, the culture, the language everything is just so great! Even the people down here in Odessa are very poor, they now, how to make it the best and be happy. Beside the рынок (market) there is a…

  • I miss Switzerland

    Hello dear Friends! I hope everyone back in Switzerland isch gsund und munter and feels happy! I miss Switzerland so much!Everthing there is just so cute and nice(if your not sure, check out my archive  ). I love to read letters, mails, comments from and about Switzerland and how your life’s are going there  Enjoy every day!…