
Hello dear Family and friends! 😀

Wow, this week was amazing! Had a two day training conference in Kyiv, next to the temple and than I was on an exchange with an Ukrainian Elder in northern part of Kyiv, where I’ve served half a year ago for six weeks. It was so cool to go back there, to remember those good times and to see good friends. My and my companion we do kind of an experiment in the mission. At 8 o’clock in the morning we go on the street for 1.5 hour and talk to people. That is so amazing! We share with them our joy about the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon and our experiences with striving to live like Jesus Christ. It is so wonderful to see how the people open up, when they can feel the truth and love of the wonderful message we bring to all the world.

The highlight of this week was a meeting with an old friend, named Huu from Vietnam. I haven’t seen him for more than half a year, so that was really special. We met after the first day of the conference and we talked with him about going to church. He struggled with that before, because he didn’t feel so welcomed under so many Ukrainians. It was a miracle, that we had a member of the Church with us from France, a business man on a business trip that had some time and wanted to go with the missionaries and share the Gospel with the people. He talked how thankful he is for Heavenly Father and His plan and especially for church. He shared experiences how he would attend different churches around the world, and every time he would feel that this is like a big family. The spirit there was so nice there. I truly felt the truth in his words.

We are really one big family. That makes us special. That makes everything we do for each other special. The Lord is on our side, he really is. We as a mission read right now through the four gospels in the bible. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and it is wonderful how much light that gives to me every day!

This verse made my day today, Psalms 27:1
1 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall Ifear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

May we always remember Him and praise Him in all everything we do, think and desire!
All the best! :)
Elder Drewlow

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