Dear family and friends <3 Wow this week was insane! It was super hot the whole time, the peak was 39 degrees! 😛 But ist was so awesome! It was just sweet to go out there anyway and to bring the people the wonderful message we have! We have an investigator whos name is Oleg. That was actually really cool how we got to know us. We just finished a lesson and we talked some other people that were there. Suddenly he walks up to us and akses if we can help him to overcome his addiction to computer games. He explained that he thinks that the Bible and God will help him. We were really excited. Talking to him about the Gospel that Heavenly Father gives us makes him really excited to pray and read the scriptures. One really interesting that I noted while teaching is that you often realize now things that you have never thought of before, but actually have a bigger meaning and beauty. For example lessons, when we teach the big apostasy before have always sounded me so sad and tragic, well yeah, beacause Christs church was completly distroyed… but in this other lesson I had this one simple thought: God was still comunicating to people through prayer. That was really powerful. God has not forgotten His children on this earth, He never had, does and will. He is Our Father. That message made the whole lesson really beautiful and meaningful. Then when the human family was ready God ordained a new prophet, Joseph Smith. That was probably the coolest day in Heaven ever! Can you imagine???!! So long their was no prophet on earth, no church, no leadership inspired by God! Those thoughts make me more to appriaciate the things that we have because of this. We have the fullness of the Gospel. We have more scriptures. We have another Witness of Christ. We have the Pristhood. Heavenly Father gave us that Gospel that we can be happy. That is the final goal. That we are happy here and their. With our families. Forever. This is awesome!