This is the coolest thing in the world

Hallihallo 😊

You know this feeling, you find something really cool, it makes you so happy and then you want to share it with all your friends?!

Dear family and friends! This is why we missionaries share the gospel! This is why more than 80’000 young men and women spend 1,5 to 2 years sharing the gospel! This is why I want to share this with you! Living after the commandmends brings us greater joy than anything else. The coolest thing in the world is, that you really can try this out and actually see a result. This is real! I know that God is our Heavenly Father and he loves us more than you can ever imagine. Following the commandemens enables us to see and feel that love. In a world of changing morals and values it is absolutly important that we always trust the loving, unchanging directions of God.

We missionaries show people the way, how to do “start” following the commandments. This is amazing I can tell you. We see how suddenly light, hope, peace and love comes in to their live. God sent his Son Jesus Christ to this earth to suffer for all our sind, afflictions and pains. He wants us to be happy and loving as he is! He knows us, his children very good and prepared a way, how we can find everlasting happiness in this world, even for after this life.

This plan is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it contains 5 steps:

  1. Faith in Jesus Christ
  2. Repentance
  3. Baptism, our first covenant with God
  4. The Gift of the Holy Ghost
  5. Endure to the End

When you follow this steps, you find great happyness and your life get’s better every day. The best; you realize how God really loves his children and all what you want to do, is to share that.

Here is what Lehi, the first Prophet in the Book of Mormon said about this:

1 Nephi 1:14

“Great and marvelous are thy works, O Lord God Almighty! Thy throne is high in the heavens, and thypower, and goodness, and mercy are over all the inhabitants of the earth; and, because thou art merciful, thou wilt not suffer those who come unto thee that they shall perish!”

I know that God really loves you. He want to show you that! For this we need to turn to him. The best way to do this is by prayer in the Name of Jesus Christ!

Always be thankful and grateful! Enjoy your week!

Elder Drewlow

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