Hello dear Family and friends! 😀 Wow, this week was amazing! Had a two day training conference in Kyiv, next to the temple and than I was on an exchange with an Ukrainian Elder in northern part of Kyiv, where I’ve served half a year ago for six weeks. It was so cool to go…
Trip to Sumy
For an exchange (share experiences with other missionaries and work with them together) we went this week to Sumy, a city little more to the East.
When hard work sores
Hello everybody out there!The work up in Chernigov is growing and growing. We find people and they find us. Well, actually it is the Lord that prepares those people and we just help them to make the right decisions. It is wonderful to be a missionary and to give testimony every day. Sometimes it seems…
Welcome to Chernigov
Hello 😁 I moved to another city in Ukraine, Chernigov. It is one of the oldest cities here in Ukraine. I really like how quite it is and how much nature there is all around. I am excited to work here and to serve the people here. They are real friendly and open. Last week…
Photo project in the mission office
Hello my friends 😊 Recently I have finished a small photo project here in the Ukraine Kyiv Mission Office. We took away all the old pictures and now we try to make it more sacred and focused on the missionary purpose. On the other side of those pictures hangs a map of the Ukraine Kyiv Mission…