Bycicle tour season officially started
Booom!!! Working on school stuff at the laptop suddenly a little message popped up. I read: „29 minutes until sunset“ and I said: „Still enough time for a bycicle tour!“ So the first time this year I got in my bike shorts and jumped on my bycicle! (Obviously I rode my bycicle for shorter rides…
The bells of spring are ringing
Grabbed my camera and went on a short walk until my lense didn’t work anymore… Edited the photos a little bit and here you go. Spring is coming 🙂
It’s autumn and I’m doing a little photo tour in Zurich
A beautiful Sunday afternoon and I thought: „Let’s go outside and take ome shots!“. Here are my favourite pictures 🙂
What could be more cute than a bee?
Last week the first time in my life I saw a bee coming out of his cocon. I actually had to go to an appointment but couldn’t hold myself and watch until he got out(we assume he is male, because they usually get out before the females and are smaller). Here a peek on their…
Spring is near
So wonderful how the nature is waking up again after a cold, dark and snowy time. This is the only picture I can upload so far… something is wrong with my wordpress.. I am sorry.